Anchored by

Boxer Superstore & CashBuild

And an additional

12 line shops.

Situated conveniently close

to a large residential area of target customers.

Convenient and ample parking.

Convenient shopping on your doorstep

Njoli Shopping Centre is located on the corner of Njoli Street and Meke Street Kwazakhele, Ibhayi, Port Elizabeth.

The centre boasts anchor tenants Boxer Superstore and Cashbuild, and various line shops suited to the needs of the local community.

A major benefit of the centre is its convenient location. It is situated close to a large residential area of target customers. This allows shoppers to simply walk to the centre rather than having to rely on costly public transport, ensuring that the centre is busy at all times.


JH Group has an ever-expanding property portfolio of retail, commercial, and industry property.

Some of their national tenants include: Checkers, Superspar, BUCO, Food Lover’s Market, PEP Stores, Mambo’s Plastic Warehouse, Gelmar, Debonairs, Steers, Panorottis, Spur, Cashbuild, Bradlows, Liberty Life, Rage, Cosmetic Connection, OK Furniture, Nedbank, and Boxer Superstores.